Friday, July 20, 2012

Mammoth Arizona Gas Station: yes it's real

I was looking up a couple of Arizona cities on Google maps and wiki the other day and came across this fabulous photo on the Mammoth, AZ wiki page.
God's Filling Station, wiki commons image
"Hey! I've been there!"

A few years ago, I drove through the tiny town of Mammoth on the way to Durgano, Co. and took a similar photo, which I turned into a cyanotype:
"Filling Station, Mammoth, AZ", 7-1/2 x 11",  cyanotype on Fabriano watercolor paper
Strangely enough, I made several prints and even sold a couple, but most people thought I had faked it in Photoshop. As you can see from the photo above, it's a real gas station-tuned church. Pretty awesome!

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