Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mixed media solarplate etchings: some experiments

I've been printing some of the plates I created since I've been back from Santa Fe. I ordered my own Akua ink from Takach, but it didn't arrive until yesterday, so I've had to use the 3 colors available at the printmaking studio I go to on Thursdays. Working with only phthalo green, crimson, and black  is challenging!
I'm also working on some of the prints I created in Santa Fe.....experiments with adding another medium in my own studio. What most of the pieces needed was some more color and drawing on them, so I've been using Caran d'Ache and turning them into mixed media or hybrid prints.
Here are some I have been working on and finished this morning, each uses two plates with colored ink printed in an etching press.
Here are two versions each of "Fig. 17, The Dark Twin" and two each of "Fig. 12, The Conflict".
Printed with two plates: a solar plate etching + monotype, printed in Santa Fe
Printed with two different solarplate etchings, the phthalo green plate was only half-inked, printed in Tucson
Two plates: black solarplate etching and a monotype; colored pencil was added later to enhance the Seraphim image
Two plates: a solarplate etching plus a solid orange flat roll with added paper stencils
 And just in case you are new to this blog, these images are from a series of numbered "figures", 7 through 21. They are allegorical and the intention is that they were pulled from a larger codex called "Esoterica". It's about all of the events centered around December 21, 2012. Some of the other image titles I'm working with are "Fig. 16, The 13-Baktun Cycle", "Fig. 14, The Search for Planet X", and "Fig. 8, Tinfoil Hats".
I'll be printing all day tomorrow, so look for some more new stuff in the next few days!

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